OXIRACETAM (Neuromet®) Source: smart-drugs.net Chemical Oxiracetam (4-hydroxy-2-oxo-1-pyrrolidone-acetamide). Neuromet acts upon the central nervous system, selectively activating the integrative cortical functions. Original experimentation research has shown that Oxiracetam restores the complex activity of the cerebral cortex in the presence of acute cerebral insults and of damage in the evolutionary phase. Neuromet acts positively on the cerebral metabolism increasing the receptiveness of ATP, stimulating the synthesis of proteins and turnover of phospholipids. Neuromet has no stimulant or sedative effects and does not affect the activity of the autonomous nervous system. Clinical studies have shown it to improve acute and chronic cerebral performance (organic psychosyndrome), characterized for example by disorders in behavior, in time space orientation, in alteration, adaptation, and also to boost mental performance, including memory and learning. Neuromet provides high bioreceptivity and optimum tolerance and may be taken in a wide range of dosages either by mouth or otherwise. Recommendations Mental syndromes having to do with cerebral activity, and mental performance disorders in the elderly. Directions Neuromet enables the patient to adapt the dosage to his own individual symptoms and response to treatment. The form of administering this product (by mouth or injection) may be chosen according to the dosage to be taken the duration of the treatment and general conditions of the patient. The usual dosage is 800mg twice daily (morning and evening). During the maintenance treatment, the daily dosage may be reduced or increased, according to your physician's advice. Contraindications Individual hypersensitive to the product. Serious renal insufficiency. Precautions In the case of renal insufficiency, the product should be administered with caution and the dosage lowered. Side Effects Very rare cases have been reported of increased psychomotor excitability and sleep disorders due to an excessive reaction on the part of the patient to the product. In this case, the patient need only reduce the dosage. Warning This product should not be taken by women who are pregnant or who believe they might be. Keep out of children's reach. |