Amphetamines are synthetic psychoactive drugs that stimulate or increase
the action of the central nervous system. They are available legally by
prescription and have been used medically to treat obesity, fatigue and
depression. Today, medical use of amphetamines is limited to treating
minimal brain dysfunction (MBD) in children and narcolepsy, a rare
disorder in which an individual is overcome by sudden and uncontrollable
attacks of deep sleep.
The basic racemic amphetamine consists of levo- and dextro-amphetamine.
L-amphetamine is not considered as "fun" as d-amphetamine. 10 mg Adderall
Dextro-amphetamine Saccharate- 2.5 mg, Dextro-amphetamine Sulfate(USP)-
2.5 mg; Racemic-amphetamine Aspartate- 2.5 mg, & Racemic-amphetamine
Sulfate- 2.5 mg.
That's a total of 6.3 mg of the straight base amphetamine (excluding the
salt weights). Dexedrine contains pure dextro-amphetamine and is
considered more recreational by many.
Dextro-amphetamine dosages are about 2-3 times higher than that of
methamphetamine. With little or no tolerance about 25mg oral (equally to
about 30mg of Adderall) should give a decent buzz. But it doesn't last as
long as methamphetamine due to the missing methyl-group which makes it
easier for your body to break down the molecule. Common duration for
amphetamine is about 6 hours.
Amphetamines have become a popular "street" drug. Legally produced
amphetamines may be sold on the black market but quality and quantity of
the drug may vary. Underground chemists have also developed a "look-alike"
amphetamine that is being sold on the street. Look-alikes are drugs
manufactured to look like real amphetamines and mimic their effects. They
are sold on the street as "speed" or "uppers" and are expensive, even
though they are a weak substitute for amphetamines. The drugs contain
varying amounts of less potent stimulants such as caffeine, ephedrine and
phenylpropanolamine-all legal substances that are usually found in
over-the-counter diet pills and decongestants.
Danger of look-alikes are that they are readily available and there is no
way to know what they really contain. There have been reports of overdoses
when users purchased real amphetamine they thought were look-alikes and
use the amount they would have of look-alikes. Users of true amphetamines
may also underestimate the potency of the look-alike drugs and take
excessive amount that can result in toxic reactions.
Signs of Amphetamine Use
These signs may indicate the use of amphetamines:
· Dilated pupils
· Dry mouth and nose
· Bad breath
· Frequent lip licking
· Excessive activity, difficulty sitting still, lack of interest in food
or sleep
· Irritable, moody, nervous
· Argumentative
· Talkative
Short-Term Effects of Amphetamines
The effects of any drug depend on the amount taken, the user's past
drug-use experience, circumstances in which the drug is taken (the place,
feelings, activities, others involved) and the method of administration.
Small doses of amphetamines reduce appetite, increase respiration, heart
rate, and blood pressure, and dilute the pupils. Moderate doses can cause
dry mouth, fever, sweating, headache, blurred vision, dizziness, diarrhea,
constipation, and loss of appetite.
Large doses of amphetamines may cause flushing, pallor, rapid and
irregular heartbeat, tremors, loss of coordination or physical collapse.
Injecting amphetamines creates a sudden increase in blood pressure that
can cause death from stroke, high fever, or heart failure.
In addition to the physical effects of amphetamines, users report feeling
restless, anxious and moody. Increased doses intensify the effects, and
users may become exited or talkative and experience a false sense of
self-confidence or superiority. They may behave in a bizarre manner; some
become aggressive and hostile.
Long-Term Effects
Prolonged use of amphetamines can lead to malnutrition and vitamin
deficiencies, skin disorders, ulcers, lack of sleep, weight loss and
depression. Frequent use of large amounts of amphetamines can cause brain
damage that results in speech and thought disturbances.
Users of large amount of amphetamines over a long period of time can
develop an amphetamine psychosis, which is a mental disorder similar to
paranoid schizophrenia. The psychosis is manifested by hallucinations,
delusions, and paranoia. Bizarre, sometime violent, behaviour is exhibited
by those with amphetamine psychosis. Symptoms usually disappear within a
few weeks after drug use stops.
Amphetamines have the potential to produce tolerance, which means that
increased amounts of the drug are needed to achieve the desired effects.
Withdrawal symptoms can occur when use of amphetamines is stopped
abruptly. Users may experience fatigue; long, disturbed periods of sleep;
irritability; intense hunger, and moderate to severe depression. The
length and severity of the depression is related to how much and how often
amphetamines were used.
Since withdrawal from prolonged amphetamine use is accompanied by
physical and mental depression, and usually not life threatening or
physically painful symptoms, the majority of amphetamine users who want to
stop can be treated by encouraging abstinence. In fact, users should avoid
all stimulants, including caffeine and tobacco.
Medical treatments include the use of antidepressant agents such as
imipramine, desipramine, amitriptyline, dosepin, trazodone, or fluoxetine
(Prozac). These affect serotonin, the neurotransmitter in the brain that
deals with both depression and drug craving.
Sedatives such as Dalmane, chloral hydrate, Librium, phenobarbital, or
even Valium are used, very carefully, on a short-term basis to treat
anxiety or sleep disturbance problems. Antipsychotic medications such as
Haldol, Thorazine, and others are also used to buffer the effects of
unbalanced dopamine, the neurotransmitter that moderates paranoia and
pleasurable sensation.
In addition to treating the physical and psychological aspects of craving,
treatment providers should stress group counseling and peer pressure for
compulsive amphetamine users, as these forms of therapy work well for this