Sources: erowid.org; smartbomb.com

Anyone who has ever tried both Herbal Ecstasy and the illegal drug Ecstasy (MDMA) will tell you that there is a huge difference in their effects. MDMA is a single chemical compound which has a powerful effect on the central nervous system which can affect emotions strongly. Herbal Ecstasy, on the other hand, is a combination of herbs which, instead of affecting the way the mind perceives, basically acts as a simple, yet effective, stimulant.

 The most "active" ingredient in Herbal Ecstasy is a Chinese herb called Ephedra sinica (or Ma Huang). This herb has been used for thousands of years by Chinese herbalists as a medicine and a stimulant. The juice of the berry was used to alleviate respiratory problems, and today we continue to find it in asthma medicines, bronchial dilators and decongestants. Ephedra also increases basal metabolic rates and increases caloric burning during exercise. Ephedra works by stimulating the sympathetic division of the nervous system, acting in a similar fashion to amphetamines.   

When used correctly Ephedra is an effective stimulant and an excellent bronchial dilator. However, Ephedra can be dangerous to certain people. People with heart conditions should not use Ephedra, and those who are overly sensitive to stimulants should avoid it as well. Ephedra should not be taken with a MAO Inhibitor (such as Nardil and Parnate), so those on anti-depressants should not use it. But, if you are a healthy adult with no heart problems, Ephedra products should pose no serious health threat. As with any drug though, it is always best to check with your doctor first.  

Of course, just because you don't need a prescription to use ephedra, that doesn't mean that it can be eaten like candy. Just as you could theoretically overdose on a sufficiently large amount of over-the-counter sleep aids, cough syrup, or aspirin, you could overdose with an excessively large dose of ephedra. The risks are the same as with any over-the-counter medication that directly affects the brain, metabolism, and central nervous system.  

But isn't there other stuff in Herbal Ecstasy?

Yes, there is, the mixture in Herbal Ecstasy is a combination of mostly ephedra and caffeine, with a few smart drugs thrown in for good measure. The other ingredients found in Herbal Ecstasy are:

·        Guarana, an unprocessed herb similar to caffeine.

·        Ginseng, an adaptogen herb that helps the body fight stress and fatigue.

·        Gingko Biloba, a smart drug that increases the flow of oxygen to the brain.

·        Kola Nut, a form of unprocessed caffeine.

·        Gotu Kola, a smart drug that helps stimulate brain function.

·        Fo Ti, another adaptogen, similar to ginseng.

·        Green Tea, mild mannered beverage.

Nutmeg, a psychoactive herb in high doses, used mainly in prison and by junkies trying to dry out.